
What is an MSP?

What is an MSP?

What is an MSP? We are forever answering this question.  An MSP, by definition, is a Managed Services Provider.

A managed services provider (MSP) remotely manages a client’s business IT need, eliminates reactive day-to-day technology issues, and ensures systems are up-to-date and running smoothly.

For example: Let’s think about going to the dentist’s office, a patient is not going to think about the MSP providing services for the dentist, but that MSP will protect this patient’s confidential information.  Ensuring the data is encrypted, as it must be HIPAA compliant.  In addition, the dentists’ tools will be operable, to have the appointment go swiftly, who wants a technology issue in the middle of a filling?  When the appointment is over and it is time to check out, there is no waiting on the computer to respond (we’ve all been there LOL), instead, patients pay their bill and make their next appointment.

Competent MSPs keep technology working, so tasks get completed.

MSPs provide small to medium sized businesses their own IT Department. In addition, experienced MSPs offer a team of professionals, with diverse knowledge overseeing all types of business IT issues.  That means someone will research and install hardware and software, implement fixes, ensure backups are happening, avoid risks and threats, and make sure that each team members systems are operational.

A qualified MSP will also ensure that your business IT operations meet all industry-specific security requirements and other compliance mandates (for example: healthcare must be HIPAA complaint, a business taking credit cards must be PCI compliant, and businesses operating in the Commonwealth of MA must comply with 201 CMR 17 and so on…)

By outsourcing your businesses IT needs, you have peace of mind knowing a team of IT experts oversees everything with 24/7 support.  Your business can rest easy knowing that your network is secure and potential risks have been minimized.

So, “What is an MSP?”  A reliable MSP makes your business IT more efficient, reliable, and scalable. This MSP just might become your business’s new best friend.


We enjoy making new friendships everyday, call us with questions and we look forward to hearing from you.  508.375.6444

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